Reaction to Chris Gayle’s Instagram Comments by John Holder

24th January 2016

Patrolling the Boundary  – a view from the outfield

John Holder dropped me a line yesterday, sharing his views on Chris Gayle’s recent reply to his critics via instagram (which you can read here):

Hi David,

Gayle’s pathetic outburst after leaving the BBL, saying that his critics can kiss his black ass demonstrated clearly how arrogant and stupid he really is. Only someone lacking humility would say that the Aussie cricket public loves him would make that comment, even if it was true.

His comment to the female interviewer was unprofessional, totally out-of-place and NOT FUNNY. The £5000 fine imposed by his club should have been the end of the matter and Ian Chappell’s call for him to be banned by cricket boards around the world was hypocritical and way over the top. Chappell’s career was littered with instances of bad behaviour, one of which I witnessed, so he should have been the last person to criticise.

But after Gayle’s vulgar outburst, I would be glad if he was banned by boards around the world.

He would have been better putting his foot in his mouth.



I replied:

Hi John

Entirely agree with you!

It didn’t surprise me one little bit that Gayle came out with his offensive tirade.

It showed he had no remorse whatsoever – or even any empathy regarding the offence he had caused.

I totally supported Chappell’s (admittedly hypocritical) call for his ban – not so much because of what he’d done, but because it was a reflection of the appalling lout he is – and the incredibly destabilising and cancerous effect he has on young cricketers, teammates and supporters.

I fear his outburst will be ignored and his malign, insidious influence will pervade the game for a few years yet, unfortunately.

All the best


John Holder is a highly respected former international umpire, who stood in Tests & ODIs between 1988-2001, and in 1st-class cricket from 1982-2009. He was also the innovative mind behind the introduction of the ‘bowl-out’ to settle washed out one-day games.

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